Private Chef Special

Book a private dinner for 10 guests or less for your birthday, holiday, friendsgiving or special occasion for $55.00 per person.

Greedy Little Eats

Dinner Catering Services

Our private chef service offers personalized dining experiences tailored to your preferences. Enjoy a customized menu and exceptional service.
<span>Dinner Catering Services</span>

Lunch Catering Menu

<span>Lunch Catering Menu</span>

Baby Shower Menu

What level of greedy will satisfy your guests? Choose from "A Little Greedy, Kinda Greedy, and Super Greedy"

<span>Baby Shower Menu</span>

Exquisite cuisine at an affordable price

Pan prices for drop off catering services. Call us to customize a special menu.

Exquisite cuisine at an affordable price

Book Your Culinary Experience Now.

Booking Greedy Little Eats was the best decision I made for my special occasion. The private chef created a menu that wowed all my guests and the service was exceptional. - Liz Renee